MATLAB: How does the indexing of stacked bars work


I am trying to understand how the indexing of stacked bars work. I have a plot with 2 stacked bars but am only able to color the stacks of them the same.
When I use for example b(1,i).FaceColor = [0 0 0] it works but just like I said before I can only color both stacked bars stacks the same. If I use b(2,i) = [ 0 0 0] ( I thought that the first number refers to the number of stacked bars, while the i refers to the individual stacks) I get the following error:
Unrecognized property 'FaceColor' for class ''.

Best Answer

You can set individual colors by using an rgb matrix, one color for each bar within the current stack. The FaceColor should be set to 'flat' as well.
Here's a demo:
a = randi(20,4,2); %4 bars, 2 stacks
H=bar(a, 'stacked');
%Set the bottom stack to random colors
colr = rand(4,3);
H(1).FaceColor = 'Flat';
H(1).CData = colr;
%Set the top stack to random colors
colr = rand(4,3);
H(2).FaceColor = 'Flat';
H(2).CData = colr;