MATLAB: How does nojvm mode affect MATLAB & Simulink


I would like to know what features of MATLAB and Simulink are disabled when used with no Java.

Best Answer

Starting MATLAB with the -nojvm flag disables the Java Virtual Machine. Certain MATLAB features, such as the MATLAB Editor, GUIDE and the Array Editor, are written in Java and therefore require the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in order to run.
Because Java is disabled, you will have to use a different editor than the MATLAB Editor/Debugger if you want to create MATLAB programs. As a possible workaround for the MATLAB Editor, you can open an editor from outside MATLAB and work in that. Running "meditor.exe" can also open the MATLAB Editor, but the debugging features will not be available.
Also, as a result of disabling the Java figures feature, you will no longer be able to dock/undock figure windows in the desktop, group together undocked figure windows, etc. You will not be able to interactively add data to plots, change plot symbology, and otherwise customize the data plots.
There is no comprehensive list of the things that will get affected in Simulink. However, some of the tools that will not work properly in nojvm mode are Lookup Table Editor, Data Class Designer, Bus Editor, Signal & Scope Manager, Parameter Estimator, Simulink Report Generator, Floating Scope (Signal Selector GUI), Model Reference Signal Logging, Mask Editor, Simulink Debugger, Finder, Some dialogs like Model and block properties, Stateflow Truth Table editor etc.