MATLAB: How do you save a new audio file from a sound on matlab

audioMATLABSignal Processing Toolbox

Hi, I'm trying to write use matlab to take some sound files, trim them to the same size, and save them into a completely new folder with new names without overwriting the original. I've been trying to use audiowrite, but it gives me an error:
Error using audiowrite
The value of 'filename' is invalid. Expected input to be one of these types:
Instead its type was double.
Error in audiowrite>parseInputs (line 226)
parse(p,filename, y, Fs, pvpairs{:});
Error in audiowrite (line 103)
props = parseInputs(filename, y, Fs, varargin);
This was after using the code
audiowrite(anna_ten10, trimmed_anna_ten10, 44100)
where anna_ten10 was the original file that was trimmed, trimmed_anna_ten10 was the trimmed file that I would like to make into a seperate file, and 44100 was the fs. I'm not sure what to put in place of anna_ten10, since I don't want that file to be overwritten, but I've tried putting the new folder directory there and it isn't saving. What should I do?

Best Answer

The file name has to be a string:
audiowrite('anna_ten10.wav', trimmed_anna_ten10, 44100)
I am assuming here you want to save it as a ‘.wav’ file. Change that if you want to save it in another format.