MATLAB: How do i get the output for each iteration of code


I have a program in which i run two matrices through the same code and they give me an output for each iteration(the iteration is associated with which matrix i run through it). The thing is, in this code i run through seven iterations again(this iteration has the purpose of closing in the result i want), how do i get the last output for each matrix iteration? I mean i could remove the semicolon and check manually, but is there an easier way to do it? simply put the code looks like this
for iter=1:2
for k=1:7
in which x are the different matrices i use in the code, y is the variable i use to call upon the different matrices and this c is what i'm looking for. Or even save those c's on a variable and/or a file, that would be perfect
edit. I got how to show them by using this
if k==7
but i don't know how to attach it to a variable, or cell array etc

Best Answer

By using indexing. Indexing is a basic concept that is shown in the introductory tutorials:
out = cell(1,2); % preallocate an output matrix.
for iter = 1:2
x = y{iter};
c = [0;0;0;0];
for k = 1:7
c = a+b;
out{iter} = c; % this will get the last value of c