MATLAB: How do i filter out certain values in a cell matrix using conditions for strings


I have a cell matrix-
x = { 1 2 'a' 'q' ; 2 3 'a' 'p'; 3 4 'a' 'q'; 5 6 'b' 'p' ; 7 8 'b' 'q' ;9 8 'b' 'q';};
or x =
1 2 a q
2 3 a p
3 4 a q
5 6 b p
7 8 b q
9 8 b q
I want to filter out all rows that have 'a' in the 3rd column and 'q' in the fourth. My result matrix should be-
1 2 a q
3 4 a q
How do I do this?

Best Answer

You can use contains to find the required letter. contains gives true if the part of search string contains in the main string.
x(contains(x(:,3),'a') & contains(x(:,4),'q'),(3:4))
Better to use strcmp, as it check for complete string. strcmp checks for the complete strings. It gives true only when the complete string is present.
x(strcmp(x(:,3),'a') & strcmp(x(:,4),'q'),(3:4))