MATLAB: How can we estimate memory requirements for nchoosek


nchoosek is a memory intensive command … to the point it can easily kneel down your system … or get something back as the below:
Error using nchoosek>combs (line 175) Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in nchoosek>combs (line 174) Q = combs(v(k+1:n),m-1);
Error in nchoosek>combs (line 174) Q = combs(v(k+1:n),m-1);
Error in nchoosek (line 132) c = combs(v,k);
Error in NChooseKR (line 7) parfor i = kRange

Best Answer

>> help nchoosek
nchoosek Binomial coefficient or all combinations.
nchoosek(V,K) where V is a vector of length N, produces a matrix
with N!/K!(N-K)! rows and K columns. Each row of the result has K of
the elements in the vector V. This syntax is only practical for
situations where N is less than about 15.
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