MATLAB: How can we control push button in matlab gui by keyboard instead of mouse click

%%keyboard controlled push buttons

how to use keypressFcn to assign the key for push button.?

Best Answer

heisenberg - if you are using GUIDE to create your GUI, then you could assign a WindowKeyPressFcn callback to your figure (GUI) and then, based on the key pressed while the figure has focus, you could call the appropriate button.
Suppose that your GUI/figure is named figure1 and you have one push button (named pushbutton1) that you wish to fire when you press the x key. Your callback to capture key presses could look something like
function figure1_WindowKeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% determine the key that was pressed
keyPressed = eventdata.Key;
if strcmpi(keyPressed,'x')
% set focus to the button
% call the callback
In the above we check for when the x is pressed and then simulate the pressing of the button by calling the appropriate callback. You may not need to set focus to the button using uicontrol but I don't think that it hurts to do this as well.