MATLAB: How can n I export file with Excle format, with fprintf

export to excelMATLAB

how can I export file with Excle format, with fprintf
i have the flowing lines :
fid:fopen ('elements. txt', 'w')
fprintf (fid, %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f/n',elements)
these lines make a text file wich is not readable by another code)

Best Answer

fprintf can only write data to text file. It cannot write data to Excel file. TO write data in Excel format use the function writematrix
% Creating a random data, replace this with your data
elements = rand(100, 4);
% Write to .txt file
fid = fopen ('elements.txt', 'w');
fprintf (fid, '%15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n', elements);
% Write to .xlsx file
writematrix(elements, 'elements.xlsx');