MATLAB: Write a matrix to txt file

fopenfprintfmatrixtxt filewrite to txt file

Hello ,
I have this matrix as a result of code :
1,85506173843200 1,00229272121327
1,74935758533076 1,00727718522748
1,54993783446447 1,02899346511808
1,18399896863203 1,18885602705206
and i want to create a txt file named as activity_coefficients.txt which will contain the above matrix as it is.
i use these commands
but the txt file have the above matrix elements one after another.
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Try this:
gamma =[1.85506173843200, 1.00229272121327;
1.74935758533076, 1.00727718522748;
1.54993783446447, 1.02899346511808;
1.18399896863203, 1.18885602705206];
fID = fopen('activity_coefficients.txt','w');
fprintf(fID,'%16.14g %16.14g \r\n',gamma');