MATLAB: How can I sort the arrays according to example I explained below

sorting the arrays

% Dear users, could you help me with sorthing the arrays I explain below:
% Let's say I have 3 equations:
% a+3b+5c+2d+4e=51
% 2a+5b+3c+d+6e=25
% 4a+2b+6c+3d+e=34
% CoEff=[1 3 5 2 4;2 5 3 1 6;4 2 6 3 1];
% Result= [51 25 34];
% According to the lowest value in "Result" matrix I want to sort CoEff and
% Result matrices. In the end I should have the matrices below:
% Sorted_CoEff=[2 5 3 1 6;4 2 6 3 1;1 3 5 2 4];
% Sorted_Result=[25 ; 34 ; 52];
% Thanks a lot for your help!

Best Answer

[Result, idx] = sort( Result );
CoEff = CoEff( idx, : );