MATLAB: How can i skip iterations in for loop

for loopiterationsiteratoroverrideskip

I need my loop to skip iterations to a given index. When i try it the obvious way like below
for i=2:1:(dim(1)-2)
%(a lot of irrelevant if statements)
%skip through points in the same hole
while graph(j) < tor
if j < dim(1) - 2
i=j; % <== here is the problem
im getting a warning "LOOP index is changed inside of a FOR loop." and program ignores my iterator override.
How can i do this properly? or work around this?

Best Answer

Why not just give up on the FOR loop and use a WHILE loop? That way you control when to increment the index the whole time! As you have found out, MATLAB won't let manipulate the loop by changing the index inside.
idx = 1;
while idx<5
% Do stuff, check for idx condition, whatever..
if condition
idx = 1; % Reset idx! Or whatever....
idx = idx + 1; % Increment idx