MATLAB: Overwriting in a loop

for looploopoverwritepercentage

Hi guys,
I'm trying to workout a percentage for button errors using a loop. I have managed to do this but I can't figure out how to stop overwriting my previous loop. Its the last line i'm having trouble with and I'm not sure whether putting this into a matrix is the correct way of saving the percentage.
for i = 1:numel(fields);
for j = 1:numel(fieldsone);
count_rows = height (ButtonError.(fieldsone{j}));
rows = height (my_structure.(fields{i}));
percent = count_rows/rows*100;
percentageError {i}= [percent];

Best Answer

You have two for loops with loop counters i and j. You last line is using the outer counter, i. If you want to keep every value, you will need to use both indices. Try something like this
percentageError(i,j)= [percent];