MATLAB: How can I handle colors

image analysisimage processingMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematlab functionmatrix manipulation

hello I have a code that turns my image of black and white in color but I am stuck at the level of color segment I want the red part to be black
(attached image)
function [ ] = imageLabels(image)
axis image;
hold on;
for K = 1 : 4; hidden_h(K) = surf(uint8(K-[1 1;1 1]), 'edgecolor', 'none'); end
hold off
uistack(hidden_h, 'bottom');
legend(hidden_h, {'tree','rock','water'} )
axis off;

Best Answer

Possibly, this will do what you want:
matcontent = load('C1fig.mat'); %load ans variable (bad name!) as matcontent.ans
greyimage = matcontent.ans; %the grey image as a 2D matrix in the range 0-1
greenimage = cat(3, zeros(size(greyimage)), greyimage, zeros(size(greyimage))); %make the greyimage the 2nd channel of a RGB image