MATLAB: How can i do the real time sound volume change in GUI

guireal timesoundvolume


A = get(handles.Volume_Slider,'Value');
TempSound = TempFft;
RestoredAudio = real(ifft(TempSound));
I used slider Bar in Gui
If i want to change the volumn of sound, then I have to press play button again after chaning slider bar
How can I change in real time?
I want to change the volumn by just moving of slider bar
Like this equalizer

Best Answer

1) Use audioplayer:
Divide the sound up into chunks. For each chunk, multiply the contents of the chunk by the current volume settting, create an audioplayer object, set the StopFcn of the audioplayer, and play() the audioplayer. The StopFcn, when triggered, should do the same thing for the next chunk (looking at the then-current volume level) and then delete the current audioplayer.
2) Use dsp.AudioPlayer or audioDeviceWriter() from DSP toolbox. You need to queue multiple samples at a time, but you do not need to keep deleting and creating new players.