MATLAB: I want to increase/decrease volume of audio file using the slider,is it necessary to run audio data from slider


global filename;
[y,Fs] = audioread(filename);
slider_val = get(hObject, 'Value');
if slider_val == 0
x = y/5; % Decrease volume
player = audioplayer(x, Fs);
play(player,[1 (get(player, 'SampleRate')*3)]);
elseif slider_val == 1
x = y*5; % Increase volume
player = audioplayer(x, Fs);
play(player,[1 (get(player, 'SampleRate')*3)]);

Best Answer

You should use the Audio Systems Toolbox. At each point you would fetch a batch of samples and multiply them by the current slider value, and queue them to be played as audio.
Creating a separate audio player for each batch of sounds is too much overhead, and there is no feasible way to update the sound samples of an audioplayer once it is built.