MATLAB: How are the DOF arranged in the state vector of an ode system obtained by the function assembleFEMatrices

dofmass matrixMATLABpde toolboxstiffness matrix

I want to extract a stiffness and mass matrix of a 3D-object. For this purpose I use the pde toolbox, import the .stl file, specifiy the pde coefficients, create the mesh and compute the matrices M and K via "assembleFEMatrices", see code below. Now, I have the system M*u_dd + K*u=0.
How do I now find out how the DOFs are arrangend in u? I haven't found any hint in the documentation of function assembleFEMatrices.
model = createpde(3);
% geometry
gm = multicuboid(1,1,1); % simple example
% mesh
% pde coefficients
m = 8000; % Material density in kg/m^3
E = 200e9; % Modulus of elasticity in Pascals
nu = .3; % Poisson's ratio
c = elasticityC3D(E,nu);
a = 0;
f=[0; 0;0];
% matrices
FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model);
Thank you

Best Answer

The answer I found out myself:
u*_n displacment of node n in x direction
v*_n displacment of node n in y direction
w*_n displacment of node n in z direction
u=[u*_1, u*_2, ... u*_n, v*_1, v*_2, ... v*_n, w*_1, w*_2, ... w*_n]'