MATLAB: Hex 01A9 to 16-binary


I am trying to convert this input 01A9 into binary
4bit Hex input
16bit Binary Output
0000 0001 1010 1001
**no spaces

Best Answer

H = '01A9';
dec2bin(sscanf(H, '%4x'),16)
ans = '0000000110101001'
Note that the result will be character.
H can have more than 4 characters, and will be interpreted 4 characters at a time from the beginning . So if H is not an exact multiple of 4 characters, this particular algorithm will not implicitly pad from the begining with 0's -- only the last group will be 0 padded.
dec2bin(sscanf('01A9876', '%4x'),16)
ans = 2x16 char array
'0000000110101001' '0000100001110110'
This was interpretered as 01A9 (0)876.
If you needed to be padded with leading 0s implicitly then that could certainly be programmed.