MATLAB: Convert binary to hex

binary to hex

I have a binary 256 bit. i.e 1x 256 char.
I have to convert it to hex then to decimal.
How it will be done?

Best Answer

>> B = '1110001111001100111110010000001111010000000001111111100011110011001111100100000011110100000000011111111000111100110011111001000000111101000000000111111110001111001100111110010000001111010000000001111111100011110011001111100100000011110100000000011111000111';
>> H = dec2hex(bin2dec(reshape(B,4,[]).')).' % exact
H = E3CCF903D007F8F33E40F401FE3CCF903D007F8F33E40F401FE3CCF903D007C7
>> D = hex2dec(H) % loss of precision due to conversion to floating point!
D = 1.0304e+77