MATLAB: Help with the program of creating matrices.


I felt the code for the formulation of this matrices was pretty tough.
I have matrix [Ji] which is initially 8*1 matrix. which are like J1, J2,…J8 There is a Difference matrix as [diff] which is initially 7*8 matrix
Now i have to find [J'1j] matrix which is initially 7*1
So the equation is step-1: [J'11]=[diff][J1]
Now [J'12] is a 6*1 and [diff] is 6*7 and [J1] as 7*1
Step-2: [J'12]=[diff][J1] in [diff] and [J1] 1st row is removed… this is continued till [J' 18].. and then we find [J'2j] in the same procedure as above. until [j'8j].
It would be highly appriciated for your help with the code in matlab. Really need some help.
Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

hi, you did no explain well your problem, try to use these lines :
% OR
J8=diff(J,6) ;J8 has size 1x8