MATLAB: Symbolic array summation in MATLAB


I am trying to output the following symbolic expression in MATLAB: How can I genereate this?
10*L(1) + 20*L(2) + 30*L(3) + 10*L(4) + 20*L(5) + 30*L(6) + 10*L(7) + 20*L(8) + 30*L(9);
This is my code:
syms J L(k) k
F = J*L(k)
for p = 1:3
P = [10 20 30]';
The outputted answers are:
10*L(1) + 10*L(2) + 10*L(3) + 10*L(4) + 10*L(5) + 10*L(6) + 10*L(7) + 10*L(8) + 10*L(9)
20*L(1) + 20*L(2) + 20*L(3) + 20*L(4) + 20*L(5) + 20*L(6) + 20*L(7) + 20*L(8) + 20*L(9)
30*L(1) + 30*L(2) + 30*L(3) + 30*L(4) + 30*L(5) + 30*L(6) + 30*L(7) + 30*L(8) + 30*L(9)

Best Answer

Each iteration of the for loop in the above code creates a new symbolic function "ss" which creates three different expressions. Also, in each iteration of the loop, since the value of ā€œpā€ is constant, ā€œJā€ is substituted by the same value.
You may use the following code instead to implement the summation
syms L(k)
P = repmat([10 20 30],1,3);
ss(k) = sum(P.*subs(L(k),k,1:9));
Hope this helps!!