MATLAB: Help with a simple exercise


In this exercise Im asked to show the Fibonacci numbers < 100… but when I run the program it shows me one > 100 (the 144), The 144 can't be there, what can I do? (Sorry for my english)
Here is what I got:
F(1)= 1; F(2)= 1;
n= 3; c= 0;
while c < 100;
F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2);
c= F(n);
n= n+1;

Best Answer

Your code keeps running as long as c < 100, and goes ahead and computes and stores the next in sequence when that is true.
Suppose that it had generated 99 (I know it doesn't, but for the sake of explanation), then because 99 < 100, it would go on one more step and calculate the one after 99 -- which could not be < 100 considering there are no terms that involve adding 0 or negatives.
What you need to do is test for < 100 after you have done the calculation, but before you store into F, and do not store into F if it would be >= 100