MATLAB: Help using While loop

loopMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitewhilewhile loop

Hello. As an extra credit for my MatLab class, I must make a program that uses both For loop and While loop to take user input into a function, and return with a final value (see attached code). I can make it run logically without a while loop. Im looking for an idea of where I should put the While loop and what it should be looking for.
Na = input('Enter Sodium Oxide Content (%)');
Ca = input('Enter Calcium Oxide Content (%)');
Si = input('Enter Silicon Oxide Content (%)');
Batch = [Na,Ca,Si];
p = input('Batch weight in grams');
MM = [61.977;56.077;60.083]; %Provided MolarMass Values
TG = [1.710;1.780;1.000]; %Provided Thermo Values
if sum(Batch) <100 %Ensures It is 100%
disp('Error - Total Content is Not 100%')
elseif sum(Batch)>100 %Ensures it is 100%
disp('Error - Total Content is Not 100%')
if p <= 0 %Ensures the Batch isnt a negative weight
disp('Batch Weight is Invalid - Check for negative value')
if sum(Batch) == 100 && p > 0 %If 100% and Pos. Batch value then it does the calculations
W = Na*MM(1,1,1);
Q = Ca*MM(2,1,1);
E = Si*MM(3,1,1);
NewB = [W,Q,E];
FWB1 = (W/sum(NewB))*p*TG(1,1,1);
FWB2 = (Q/sum(NewB))*p*TG(2,1,1);
FWB3 = (E/sum(NewB))*p*TG(3,1,1);
R = [FWB1,FWB2,FWB3];
Y = sum(R);
disp('Total Batch Weight (g):')
Please let me know any ideas or reccomendations of what to do here
Final note – I tried to make the while loop use the "sum(Batch) == 100 && p > 0" but that doesnt logically make sense nor work in this"*

Best Answer

Charles - I think that you could use a while or for loop on this code
W = Na*MM(1,1,1);
Q = Ca*MM(2,1,1);
E = Si*MM(3,1,1);
NewB = [W,Q,E];
FWB1 = (W/sum(NewB))*p*TG(1,1,1);
FWB2 = (Q/sum(NewB))*p*TG(2,1,1);
FWB3 = (E/sum(NewB))*p*TG(3,1,1);
Note how you extract the first, second, and third element from MM for three different calculations. This suggests that a loop could be used here especially since you have already put your Na, Ca, and Si into the Batch array. For example,
NewB = zeros(length(MM),1);
for k = 1:3
NewB(k) = Batch(k) * MM(k);
Then do something similar for the FW calculations.