MATLAB: Switch case construction help

switch case construction

(Ajay deleted the question so I (MF) am restoring it as best I can.)
I wrote this body of code:
function output = InteriorAngle(input)
switch input (InteriorAngle)
case 'triangle'
disp ('180')
case 'square'
disp ('360');
case 'pentagon'
disp ('540');
case 'hexagon'
disp ('720');
case 'heptagon'
disp ('900');
case 'octagon'
disp ('1080');
case 'nonagon'
disp ('1260');
case 'decagon'
disp ('1440');
disp ('0');
but for some reason, it's not running when i input,
in = cell(1,3);
in{1,1} = 'triangle';
in{1,2} = 'hexagon';
in{1,3} = 'dodecagon';
out = InteriorAngle(in)
what am i doing wrong?

Best Answer

You are recursively calling the function from inside the function with no way to terminate the recursion. Additionally, you have named a variable the same name as a MATLAB function (INPUT). In general, you should avoid this practice as it masks the function.
Once you take care of these problems, put your switch inside a FOR loop that loops over the length of the input argument. You switch on IN{ii}.
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