MATLAB: Help using Microsoft Paint with Matlab code


I need to have a few hundred photos manually inspected and edited. Certain things need to be blacken out, while others marked in various ways.
I would like to write a script/GUI that will allow me to do the following:
1) Open mspaint
2) load image (uint8 matrix) currently saved in workspace into open window
3) when done editing, close mspaint and save new image into workspace (as uint8 matrix)
to implement this, I wish to know:
  • How to load an image from workspace into an open mspaint session.
  • How to save an image from a mspaint session to workspace as uint8 matrix.
  • How to close mspaint – openning is with "system('mspaint')"
Help would be much appriciated.
Thanks, Alon

Best Answer

  1. Save the image to a lossless image file (like e.g. png).
  2. use system(sprintf('mspaint "%s"',path_and_file))
  3. use a msgbox or any uiwait to wait for your manual edit
  4. apply the edit in mspaint and hit save
  5. continue code execution, load temp image file back from disk so it is a uint8 again