MATLAB: Help for vectorization?

for loopsvectroization

for f = 1:length(featInd)
incI(f,:) = tempInd + featInd(f);
for k=1:length(featInd)
h([incI(k,:)]') = h([incI(k,:)]')+ 1;

Best Answer

Here is an example you can try
featInd = 1:24636;
tempInd = 1:12332;
incI = bsxfun(@plus,featInd(:),tempInd);
As to the second loop, I could be wrong but that looks just like a histogram for me, so you can probably do something like
[incU,~,incInd] = unique(incI(:),'stable');
h = zeros(14593760,1);
h(incU) = h(incU)+accumarray(incInd,ones(numel(incInd),1));
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