MATLAB: Help definitely needed! How to load multiple txt files and change the varible names of each to include the date from file

data importdateimportloadtextscantxt

Hey everyone,
My coding skills have clearly dies on me with this one. I have a few txt files in directory that I am using textscan to load (massive files so I want to reduce memory). I would like a loop that goes through the list, loads in data into the workspace and gives each dataset a variable name that includes the date from the file name.
My file names are like this one midas_wind_198001-198012.txt from 1979-2013.
Here is the code I have thus far for loading but I am stuck on taking it further to renaming the variables. I do not want to use EVAL for efficiency reasons and I would like each dataset to be its own variable
fid = fopen('midas_wind_197701-197712.txt', 'r'); C = textscan(fid,'%s %s %f %f %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s %f', 'Delimiter',','); fclose(fid);
Thanks a lot in advance!!

Best Answer

Masao, assuming that the only the year changes in each filename, use
for ii = 1973:2013
f_name = strcat('midas_wind_',num2str(ii),'01-',num2str(ii),'12.txt');
fid = fopen(f_name, 'r');
scan_val = textscan(fid,'%s ... % !command cut off for readability!
v_name = genvarname(strcat('C',num2str(ii)));
eval([v_name ' = scan_val';]);