MATLAB: Hello! How to use symbolic to solve a problem without explicit formulas for functions

concave optimization problemfunction formulassymbolic

I am trying to solve a maximization problem using symbolic variables and functions and at some point I got into trouble. I have a function which I assume is concave though I put no defined formula for it. Is it possible to define something like a function "f(x)" which MATLAB recognizes it as being concave only? One the one hand my purpose is to analize the problems' signs therefore I need first and second derivatives from my function, but on the other hand impose an logarithm or another concave function would imply assumptions I don't want to make.

Best Answer

Is it possible to define something like a function "f(x)" which MATLAB recognizes it as being concave only
You could do something like, adding an assumption that diff(f,x,x) <= 0 but I am not sure it would be of any benefit.