MATLAB: Having problem with error “index out of bounds” numel (Y)=1″

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Hello all! I am trying to write a code that takes the noise out of bitmap images, and re-writes them as a cleaned image afterward. I'm not done with the code entirely yet, but my function file keeps spitting out the error
Attempted to access Y(8,1); index out of bounds because numel(Y)=1.
Error in fixp (line 13)
A = [(Y((i-1), j)),(Y((i-1),(j+1))),(Y(i,(j+1))),(Y((i+1),j)),(Y((i+1),(j+1)))];
Here is what my main file looks like:
format compact;
% Image importing
A = imread('J20_pic1_noisy.bmp');
[m,n,p] = size(A);
for k = [1:p];
for j = [1:n];
for i = [1:m];
Y = A(i,j,k);
if Y == 0 | Y == 255;
[B] = fixp(Y,i,j,m,n);
and here is what the function file looks like:
function[B] = fixp(Y,i,j,m,n);
B = [];
if i == 1 & j == 1 % top left corner
A = [(Y(i, j+1)),(Y(i+1,j)),(Y(i+1,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i == 1 & j > 1 & j < n %top side
A = [(Y(i, j-1)),(Y(i,j+1)),(Y(i+1,j-1)),(Y(i+1,j)),(Y(i+1,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i == 1 & j == n % top right corner
A = [(Y(i, j-1)),(Y(i+1,j-1)),(Y(i+1,j))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i > 1 & i < m & j == 1 % left side
A = [(Y(i-1, j)),(Y(i-1,j+1)),(Y(i,j+1)),(Y(i+1,j)),(Y(i+1,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i > 1 & i < m & j == n % right side
A = [(Y(i-1, j-1)),(Y(i-1,j)),(Y(i,j-1)),(Y(i+1,j-1)),(Y(i+1,j))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i == m & j == 1 %bottom left corner
A = [(Y(i-1, j)),(Y(i-1,j+1)),(Y(i,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i == m & j > 1 & j < n %bottom side
A = [(Y(i-1, j-1)),(Y(i-1,j)),(Y(i-1,j+1)),(Y(i,j-1)),(Y(i,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i == m & j == n %bottom right corner
A = [(Y(i-1, j-1)),(Y(i-1,j)),(Y(i,j-1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
elseif i > 1 & i < m & j > 1 & j < n %every other position
A = [(Y(i-1, j-1)),(Y(i-1,j)),(Y(i-1,j+1)),(Y(i,j-1)),(Y(i,j+1)),(Y(i,j-1)),(Y(i,j+1)),(Y(i+1,j-1)),(Y(i+1,j)),(Y(i+1,j+1))];
B(i, j)= mean(median(A));
Does anyone know what is causing the error, and subsequently, how to fix it? Thank you!

Best Answer

You're going overall rows and all columns but trying to access a 3x3 window around it. What will happen if you are at the edge of an image? You'd have i or j = -1. There is no -1 row. Try going from i = 1:rows, and j = 2:columns.