MATLAB: How to Overwrite Data


The main objective is to overwrite the maximum values in matrix B with the values collected in matrix A
So I have:
A = (1:100,1) % A is the matrix with the results I need. So, A(1,1) = 4 , A(6,1) = 9
B = (1:100,1:2) % B always contains on each row a 0 and a value. Such as B(1,1:2) = 0 2 , B(6,1:2) = 53 0.
% Result would be for:
% C = (1:100,1:2) you would get C(1,1:2) = 0 4 , C(6,1:2) = 9 0

Best Answer

One simple MATLAB way:
C = max(A,B).*(B~=0)
Or for MATLAB versions prior to R2016b:
C = bsxfun(@max,A,B).*(B~=0)