MATLAB: Gui parts lost


Hey guys, I had created two guis and they where running fine until i tryed to run them on a netbook. Then in one of them the window size became too small and hides the title and in the other one all buttons and text that are supposed to show up are gone. Can i fix this or do i need to create new guis?
in the initialization i use
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
pos_a = get(gcf,'Position');
xr = scrsz(3)-pos_a(3);
xp = round(xr/2);
yr = scrsz(4)-pos_a(4);
yp = round(yr/2);
set(gcf,'Position',[xp yp pos_a(3) pos_a(4)]);
%Add image
[EDITED: Code formatted, Jan Simon]

Best Answer

You can probably fix it. My guess is you defined the interface with pixel units. You probably want to use normalized units so you can use different screen sizes.