MATLAB: Gridline Proportions when exporting *.emf

export graphicgridline proportions

Is it possible to fix the gridline proportions when exporting metafiles?
When I'm creating graphs and export them to MS Word it is necessary for me to use the *.emf-format to achieve good quality. Therefore I'm using the painters (vector format) renderer.
The problem is, that the gridlines ('-.') lose their proportions in Word. When I smaller the graph, the gridline's proportions don't change correctly. the dots become to short lines and the short lines become longer.
I know that i could get around this problem by using another picture format, but i'm in need of a metafile.
Greets Michael
Here you can find an example of an original picture in Matlab and an exported emf-file in MSWord:
To use the emf-format is a requirement, which i cannot influence.

Best Answer

I wonder if one of these would help you:
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