MATLAB: How to include a MATLAB figure in a LaTeX document


I would like to include a MATLAB figure in a LaTeX document.

Best Answer

The best way to do this would be to export your figure into an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format file and then include the EPS file in the LaTeX document. You can export a figure into a EPS format using the PRINT command as follows:
print -deps epsFig
This will generate a file called epsFig.eps in your current working directory. You can then include this eps file in your LaTeX document.
One method to include an EPS figure in your LaTeX 2E document is as follows:
1. Include the following line before the \begin{document} statement
2. Use the following template code to include any figure:
\includegraphics{Figure name without .eps extension}
\caption{Insert caption}
For more information on LaTeX, refer to the TeX Users Group at or the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network at
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