MATLAB: GPU programming on Matlab (Mac/Window): What are the options


I usually use "Mac pro 2016" and "window computer at my office" to code on Matlab. I would like to get some GPU power to implement some of my reconstruction idea for medical image reconstruction.
I do plan to use L-BFGS-B solver, which takes 90% of my computation time. Using CPU, it takes 14-15 hours.With implementation of the new idea, I expect computation time to go by 2-3 times.
I have no idea about GPU programming. So, I would appreciate some advice from some GPU programmer. I have budget of $1300-1400.
i) Would it be possible to buy some dedicated NVIDIA card and use it for Mac and/or PC? Could I get more GPU power this way. ii) Should I go for some gaming laptop with "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics with 6GB GDDR5 VRAM"?

Best Answer

Others may have a longer answer to your question, but certainly it is possible to get an NVIDIA GPU for a desktop PC with a PCI bus. You can even get something that will work with your Mac or Windows laptop, you just need to buy a caddy to put the card in, for instance the Razer Core. Getting this working with a Mac is a bit more complicated than with Windows, you can find instructions online.
Once you have your GPU installed, check out the MATLAB GPU product page to get started.
The GTX 1060 is adequate to get started with image processing, computer vision and deep learning because it has good single precision performance. For simulation, solvers, and other problems where high accuracy double precision is essential, you may need to look at a more expensive card in the Quadro or Tesla range. There is also the Titan V.