MATLAB: Get Zoom Handle for UIAxes/Axes when using App Designer

app designerappdesignerhandlesMATLABzoom

I am developing an application using App Designer, and I am unable to obtain the zoom handle when using 'zoom'.
out = zoom(UIFigurehandle)
Returns the exception 'UI figure not supported as an input to zoom. Specify UIAxes or Axes in a UI figure instead.'
out = zoom(UIAxeshandle)
out = zoom(Axeshandle)
Returns the exception 'Incorrect number of input arguments.'
I can enable zoom using:
zoom(UIAxeshandle, 'on')
Which works as expected, but as per the documentation it wont return an output (it throws 'Output argument "out" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "zoom".' if I try).
Using simply:
out = zoom()
Opens a new figure, but returns the handle.
How can I obtain the zoom handle when using app designer? I need it to be able to set the callback and other options, but right now I cannot find a way to do so.

Best Answer

You can't. As at 2017a pertaining to UIAxes, "zoom only supports the 'on' , 'off', and factor arguments."