MATLAB: Get the msgid of a certain warning


When I generate c-code from my Simulink model, 19000+ warnings were generated as ~20 categories. One of category is ' An ERT or ERT derived target is required to preserve the names of alias data types in the generated code. Reverting to builtin types during code generation.' . I want to ignore this type of warning by using the [warning('off', msgid)] command. However, because these warnings lie in the middle of all warnings, I cannot get their msgid by using ' _ lastwarn_' function. Is there anyway to get msgid just based on the warning texts?
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Hi Guanyu Wang:
use the function warning with enabled verbosity to display extended warning messages (including suppression command):
The command has to be written before executing your code containing warnings. Shutting it off again is done straight forward by
Answer found here:
Kind regards,