MATLAB: Do I get the error “Something Unexpected Occurred” after entering the credentials to start MATLAB


When I try to launch MATLAB why do I receive the following Error?
Something Unexpected Occurred

Best Answer

If you are experiencing this in R2018a and lower, please follow the steps below.
Install R2018b
This error should not occur when using R2018b.
If you cannot install R2018b then please try the following:
1. Navigate to the licenses folder of your MATLAB installation
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XXx\licenses
  • Mac: /Applications/
  • Linux: /usr/local/MATLAB/R20XXx/licenses
2. Rename the file mw_4a_config.bin to "mw_4a_config.bin.old"
If you applied the above solutions and still are facing issues, replace the license file in the licenses folder with the one attached to this article.