MATLAB: Get intermediate data from plot

datafiguregetting data from plotgraphintermediate datainterpolationobtaining dataplotplots

I'm having problems with obtaining intermediate data from a Figure (plot). I have two vectors (Recorregut & Velocitat) which I have represented in the following figure as if I was working with Excel.
The thing is I have "x data" such as 24.54, 35.62, etc. and I would like to know the intermediate "y-data" value for every value of a vector x (x values starting at 0 and ending at 1700 with intervals of 2 for instance, that is to say, pieces of data which I do not know but I see in the figure) that Matlab plots in spite of the fact that I know that the spline that Matlab shows is not "real" data.
Is there a way to obtain all this data in a vector or in a matrix? If you attach some code I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you so much.

Best Answer

Use the interp1 function. Assuming ‘Recorregut’ is your independent variable and ‘Velocitat’ is your independent variable, you can get any intermediate variable.
For example:
Recorregut_i = 0 : 2 : 1700;
Velocitat_i = interp1(Recorregut, Velocitat, Recorregut_i, 'linear');
The ‘Velocitat_i’ vector will have values for every value of ‘Recorregut_i’.