MATLAB: How to fix error about interp1


I have some data and i want to run this code:
xi = [85];
yi = interp1(y,x,xi)
but I have this error:
Error using griddedInterpolant
The grid vectors are not strictly monotonic increasing.
Error in interp1 (line 183)
F = griddedInterpolant(X,V,method);
Error in Q4 (line 19)
yi = interp1(y,x,xi)
How can I fix it?

Best Answer

One way (without seeing your data, so this is a guess on my part):
y85 = find(y <= 85, 1, 'last');
yi = interp1(y(y85-1:y85+1),x(y85-1:y85+1),xi, 'linear','extrap');
That is how I would do it. This assumes there is only 1 where ‘y’ is approximately 85.
Note This is obviously UNTESTED CODE. It should work, if there is one ‘y’ near 85.
EDIT Added the 'extrap' option to make my approach more robust.