MATLAB: Get daily max values from timetable keeping the other variables from ‘maxed value’ row.


I am working with a timetable with values of flow [m³/h] obtained approximately every 10 minutes over a period of a year. I would like to get the maximum value of every day for that flow variable mantaining the other variables assigned to that value. I have tried to use retime, but it only returned me the daily maximum value of the flow variable, without adding the remaining others.
Please note that grouping does not seem to work as my values might be missing days (I tried and got this error: ERROR: For N groups, every integer between 1 and N must occur at least once in the vector of group numbers.)
Here I print some rows of the table
>> B3_bruto(1:50:600,3:7)
ans =
12×5 timetable
___________________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ____________
2018-12-14 15:10:20 93.12 70.69 58.48 67.81 7.884
2018-12-14 18:00:20 92.95 71.57 57.44 68.16 19.458
2018-12-17 07:44:23 93.149 74.216 56.863 68.169 37.8
2018-12-17 10:30:20 92.83 71.61 60.22 68.25 12.942
2018-12-17 13:20:42 93.112 70.481 57.175 67.75 15.3
2018-12-17 16:10:20 92.91 71.577 56.518 68.04 21.468
2018-12-17 18:55:31 92.72 72.137 56.368 67.874 26.1
2018-12-18 08:40:31 88.718 72.852 55.649 68.029 46.8
2018-12-18 11:30:20 88.08 71.16 55.84 67.77 33.3
2018-12-18 14:15:31 86.547 70.107 57.153 67.842 21.6
2018-12-18 17:00:31 87.51 70.328 56.403 68.152 23.4
2018-12-18 19:50:20 92.82 71.45 55.75 68.03 21.567
I would like to obtain the result like this, maximizing the 'CAUDAL_XARXA' variable:
ans =
12×5 timetable
___________________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ____________
2018-12-14 18:00:20 92.95 71.57 57.44 68.16 19.458
2018-12-17 18:55:31 92.72 72.137 56.368 67.874 26.1
2018-12-18 08:40:31 88.718 72.852 55.649 68.029 46.8
So far, the code I used to calculate was this:
%% First Method
daily_test = retime(test(:,{'CAUDAL_XARXA'}),'daily','max');
% Just the values of CAUDAL_XARXA, not the other values
% it also returns the time as 00:00:00, I would like the exxact time of the max value
daily_test.Time.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
daily_test =
21×1 timetable
__________ ____________
2018-12-14 19.458
2018-12-15 NaN
2018-12-16 NaN
2018-12-17 37.8
2018-12-18 46.8
2018-12-19 21.6
2018-12-20 83.7
2018-12-21 31.5
2018-12-22 NaN
2018-12-23 NaN
2018-12-24 NaN
2018-12-25 NaN
2018-12-26 1.8
2018-12-27 NaN
2018-12-28 NaN
2018-12-29 NaN
2018-12-30 NaN
2018-12-31 NaN
2019-01-01 NaN
2019-01-02 2.0488
2019-01-03 3.015
%% Second Method
[bin, bindates] = discretize(test.Time, 'day');
[daterow, ~, group] = unique(bin);
dates = bindates(daterow);
[maxconc, row] = splitapply(@max, test.CAUDAL_XARXA, group);
dailymax = timetable(maxconc, test.Time(row),'RowTimes', dates, 'VariableName', {'CAUDAL_XARXA', 'ActualTime'});
% row does counts the index starting from 0 for each group instead of the
% global timetable
dailymax.Time.Format = 'dd/MM/yyyy';
dailymax.ActualTime.Format = 'HH:mm';
dailymax =
9×2 timetable
Time CAUDAL_XARXA ActualTime
__________ ____________ __________
14/12/2018 19.458 18:00
17/12/2018 37.8 15:10
18/12/2018 46.8 15:10
19/12/2018 21.6 15:10
20/12/2018 83.7 15:10
21/12/2018 31.5 15:10
26/12/2018 1.8 15:10
02/01/2019 2.0488 18:00
03/01/2019 3.015 15:10
%% Third method (ERROR: For N groups, every integer between 1 and N must occur at least once in the vector of group numbers.)
daygroup = discretize(test.Time, 'day'); %find which group each row belongs to
[~, grouprow] = splitapply(@max, test.CAUDAL_XARXA, daygroup); % find location of max within the group
The file I am working with is attached as 'test.mat'.
I am new to Matlab programming as I am using it for my thesis.
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

OK, just use the "deadahead" solution...
ttMAX=varfun(imax,ttbruto,'InputVariables','CAUDAL_XARXA','GroupingVariables','DOY'); % get index to max row in group
ttDailyMaxFlow=[]; % empty accumulator for results
for i=1:height(ttMAX) % for each group (day) in ttMAX
ttTMP=ttbruto(ttbruto.DOY==ttMAX.DOY(i),1:6); % select the subset table so indexing from 1 works
ttDailyMaxFlow=[ttDailyMaxFlow;ttTMP(ttMAX.imax_CAUDAL_XARXA(i),1:5)]; % accumulate rows in the output ttable
results in for your small initial dataset
>> ttDailyMaxFlow
ttDailyMaxFlow =
3×5 timetable
____________________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ____________
14-Dec-2018 18:00:20 92.95 71.57 57.44 68.16 19.458
17-Dec-2018 07:44:23 93.149 74.216 56.863 68.169 37.8
18-Dec-2018 08:40:31 88.718 72.852 55.649 68.029 46.8
One could compute the index in the overall table by keeping track of the number of elements in each group and doing the arithmetic to add 'em all up and subtract the offset as a more elegant solution.
I'll ponder the alternatives; maybe somebody else won't have the mental block I've got at the moment...
This will only work within a single year; you'll need grouping by year and day of year for multiple years.