MATLAB: Do I get an error “Call to download server failed(HTTP error code: 12029)” when installing MATLAB Web App Server on R2018b Prerelease

MATLAB Compiler

I followed the instructions from the Documentation page to install MATLAB Web App Server, but received"
"Call to download server failed(HTTP error code: 12029)"
I reran the installer and restarted my system, and checked firewall settings, but the error persists.
Note that I have MATLAB Web App Server installed successfully on the MATLAB R2018a version.

Best Answer

The recommended workflow for the prereleases is to use the web app files in the offline folder, for example on my Windows system that would be :
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win64\MATLABWebAppServerSetup\offline"
There is a zipped folder which contains the admin tool for Web App Setup and management. Please note that if you try to unzip in place, Windows will likely not let you because it is in Program Files. You might have to copy the zipped folder to a writable location to unzip.