MATLAB: Geotiffwrite without compression

compressiongeotiffgeotiffwriteMapping Toolbox

I am struggling to use "geotiffwrite" without compression.
Writing the file with:
geotiffwrite('output.TIF', A, R, 'GeoKeyDirectoryTag', info.GeoTIFFTags.GeoKeyDirectoryTag);
works fine. But using
geotiffwrite('output.TIF', A, R, 'GeoKeyDirectoryTag', info.GeoTIFFTags.GeoKeyDirectoryTag, 'TiffTags', Tiff.Compression.None);
or any similar code does not work.
"Error using ==> geotiffwrite Expected TiffTags to be one of these types:
Instead its type was double."
Which is right, Tiff.Compression.None is 1, but any ohter input, like Tiff.Compression does not work either.
Could anyone help me with the exact coding or writing a geotiff without compression?
thanks in advance,

Best Answer

You almost have it. As the error (and help) indicate, you need to follow 'TiffTags' with a structure when calling geotiffwrite. You can do it in-line, like this:
or you can first create a TIFF tags structure, like this, for example:
tags.Compression = Tiff.Compression.None;
In this case, tags has only one field. But you can add others, such as RowsPerStrip, for example, as needed.