MATLAB: Lat and lon from GEOTIFF when the matrix is not square


Hi, I have my geotiff file and want to extract lat and lon as: info = geotiffinfo(name); AX = info.Width; AY = info.Height; [y,x] = pix2map(info.RefMatrix, 1:AY, 1:AX); [lat,lon] = projinv(info, y,x);
But my AX and AY are not the same and it gives the error. Any help?

Best Answer

I found it after a day:
info = geotiffinfo(path11);
function [lat,lon] = geo_coordinate(info)
AX = info.Width;
AY = info.Height;
[x1,y1] = pix2map(info.RefMatrix, 1:AY, ones(AY,1)');
[lat1,lon1] = projinv(info, x1,y1);
[x2,y2] = pix2map(info.RefMatrix, ones(AX,1)',1:AX);
[lat2,lon2] = projinv(info, x2,y2);
[lat,lon] = ndgrid(lat1,lon2);