MATLAB: Functions inputs/outputs


Hi i've been coding with matlab for a while now and i ran into a problem with passing inputs to function from main.
For example :
function [cellAr] = MathematicalFunction()
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
x = randi([-10,10] , 1,50);
y = randi([-10,10] , 1,50);
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
z = sin(sqrt(xx.^2+yy.^2));
cellAr = {xx , 'x' , yy , 'y' , z , 'z'};
i wrote this code to make a meshgrid out of 2 random vectors and calculated a z axis.
For the next step i wanted to make another new function to plot the 3D graph. So i created a new void function that receives 2 inputs both are being sent from the main script and i was unable to send the cellAr and another input from the main script as new inputs to the 3D plot function to use and there were two problems that i couldn't solve :
1) "Too many output arguments". How can i have too many output arguments in a void function?
2)i was unable to send the newly generated cellAr and another string input to my Plot3 function through my main script.
my main looks like this :
clear clc
Array32 = MathematicalFunction();
ThreeDim = Plot3D(Array32,'surfc');
This isn't the first time i have a problem passing elements from main to another function so i must be doing something wrong.

Best Answer

This is the signature of your Plot3D function:
function Plot3D(Array32 ,str)
As you can see, it doesn't return any outputs. But you are requesting an output when you call it like this:
ThreeDim = Plot3D(Array32,'surfc');
Hence the error. So call it without the requested output:
Also, inside this function you need to supply strings for the comparisons. E.g.,
case 'surfc'