MATLAB: How to store the outputs of the function into a matrix

for looppreallocation

I'm trying to preallocate my function so that it will return the outputs into a matrix, but it is currently only returning each output. This causes the output to be overwritten each time. I tried to set a matrix to zeroes with the desired size, but it does not fill the matrix.
For example, when inputting a simple matrix 'a',
9 1
10 3
2 6
10 10
7 10
I am getting back the following results:
d_array =
2.2361 1.0000 2.0000
d_array =
8.6023 1.0000 3.0000
d_array =
9.0554 1.0000 4.0000
d_array =
9.2195 1.0000 5.0000
d_array =
8.5440 2.0000 3.0000
d_array =
7 2 4
d_array =
7.6158 2.0000 5.0000
d_array =
8.9443 3.0000 4.0000
d_array =
6.4031 3.0000 5.0000
d_array =
3 4 5
d_array =
3 4 5
However, I want them to all appear in one matrix, stacked on top of each other in a 10 x 3. Also, I have no idea why the last value repeats itself.
Any ideas?
function d_array = d_calc(arr)
n = size(arr);
nrows = n(1,1);
ncol = n(1,2);
d_array = zeros(((nrows*(nrows-1))/2), ncol+1);
for i=1:(nrows)
for j=i+1:(nrows)
d = mydistance(arr(i,:), arr(j, :));
d_array = horzcat(d, i, j)

Best Answer

#Edited:Initialize l=1 before for loop
d_array{m}=horzcat(d, i, j);
Save the all generated array in cell array.