MATLAB: Function with structure field syntax


Hello all: I have been given a script that includes the following code:
hws = get_param(bdroot, 'modelworkspace');
hws.DataSource = 'MAT-File';
hws.FileName = 'filename_xyz';
The first three lines I understand, but how does the last line work? It is, or appears to be, a function or command, which I would expect to be "saveToSource(hws)" as the usual function syntax (looking at the help for saveToSource). Is there any documentation on this apparent use of the structure field '.' (dot) as a function?
Thanks in advance for any replies.

Best Answer

"You can also call a method using dot notation....It is not necessary to pass the object explicitly as an argument when using dot notation. The notation uses the object to the left of the dot and method name."
See <Class Basics> and links therein to the details on class syntax. Again, it's a complaint w/ the form of MATLAB documentation that it is so example based it's hard to find the details of syntax in any one place outlined unequivocally, unfortunately. I've never written a class in anger, but I was aware of the allowable syntax (by osmosis, I presume)...