MATLAB: Do I get the error “Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch” when using a cell array in a structure field


I have the following lines of code which work: 
layers(1)=struct('test', 'ABC', 'value', 0.50);
layers(2)=struct('test', 'DEF', 'value', []);
I would like to combine the "test" and "value" fields into a single field like this: 
layers(1)=struct('test', {'ABC', 0.50});
layers(2)=struct('test', {'DEF'});
This gives the error message "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch." 
Is there a way to put a 1×2 cell into a single field in the structure? 

Best Answer

You are getting a "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" error because MATLAB is using a syntax where you use a cell array to specify each of the fields in a structure array. For example, the following code creates a 1x2 struct array:
a = struct('test', {1, 2};)
You receive an error in your code occurs because you are specifying a scalar structure with the left hand syntax "layers(1)". 
The workaround is to add the cell array to the structure using the dot-notation for any entries that you would like to have variable-length cell arrays.Here is an example:
a = struct('singlevalue', 3);
a.multivalue = {1, 2};
Another workaround is to use a nested cell array. Please see the following:
a (1) = struct('singlevalue', 3, 'multivalue', {{1,2}});
In the documentation page for "struct", you can see a description of how MATLAB structs interpret a cell array parameter. Please refer to the second syntax description (s = struct(< field>,< value>)) at the following link: