MATLAB: Logical indexing with a structure


I have a structure, "s", and I am trying to use logical indexing to create a new structure, "s1", for when the field, "field1", is equivalent to 1 and a new structure, "sc" for when the field, "field2", is equivalent to 'c'. How can I do this?
>> s = struct('field1', {1,2,3,4}, 'field2', {'ab', 'b', 'c', 'c'});

Best Answer

Logical indexing with structures is similar to other logical indexing in MATLAB. The one difference is when you are trying to use fields in the equivalence statement. This is because s.field1 has multiple outputs. To get around this, simply put brackets [] or {} around s.field1 in order to get one output that is an array or cell.
>> s1 = s([s.field1]==1);
>> sc = s(strcmp({s.field2}, 'c'))