MATLAB: Fsolve returns non-integer exitflag


Hi everyone,
I am experiencing a strange problem. For as far as I know an exitflag should always be an integer (identifying the reason the algorithm terminated). However when solving my problem with fsolve, the exitflag turns out to be a non-integer: 1.329410886565489.
fsolve did not find a solution, but that is perfectly possible. The exitflag being a non-integer value on the other hand seems really strange to me.
What could be the problem?
Kind regards, Corrado Sirianni

Best Answer

I guess that you are interpreting the output of fsolve incorrectly. As stated in the function reference page, the outputs of fsolve are, in this order:
[x,fval,exitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...)
exitflag is always the third output. I would bet that the third output that you obtain from solve is an integer, whatever name you give it.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation