MATLAB: Fprintf don’t print newline character

new line characterprint new line

function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
outfile = fopen('E:\\out.txt','a');
inputstr = get(handles.txtbox_input,'String');
fprintf(outfile,'%c %s \n',13,inputstr);
Each time I press the push button, I want it to write on a separate line. But It just don't do that. Bot \n and printing the ascii character 13 don't work.
Do you know what I should do?

Best Answer

This works fine for me:
File = fullfile(tempdir, 'TestFile.txt');
outfile = fopen(File, 'a');
inputstr = datestr(now, 0);
fprintf(outfile, '%s\n', inputstr);
Does it work for ou? What is the difference to your case? Is inputstr a string or a cell string? You explain, that it "does not work" - but what is happening instead? Do you open the file with the Windows Editor, which is so dull, that it cannot interprete CHAR(10) as line break? Use WordPad or Matlab's editor...