MATLAB: Fplot gives empty figure, while explot works


If I run the code below on 2016a, I get a nice plot from ezplot but an empty figure from fplot. I'm new to the symbolic math toolbox…
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
syms x
t1 = x / 5;
distance = sqrt(120^2 + (140-x)^2);
t2 = distance / 3;
timeTot = t1 + t2;
% this works fine
ezplot(timeTot,[0 140])
% this gives an empty figure
figure, fplot(timeTot,[0 140])

Best Answer

Thanks for the question.
I was able to reproduce this behaviour in the R2016a release - this looks like a bug. This seems to have been fixed from the R2016b release onward.
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